Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tree, tell me a story!

Someone has to keep up with Bangalore's phenomenal growth, and who to bear the brunt but the trees! For the discerning, I have not used the wrong pronoun. To me trees are more than logs of wood. If I could have been a comic character (hey, that's another idea for a post! :)) I would have chosen Dogmatix in this case. Dogmatix (Obelix's dog in the comic strip Asterix and Obelix. If ever there was humour in this world, it is this, it is this, it is this :D) loves trees, and howls his heart out in grief every time one is found cut. I feel pretty much the same grief when I see one felled/uprooted.

In Bangalore City most of the trees (still surviving, by the grace of God) are around 40-50 years old. Imagine all that they have seen in their lifetime! Imagine the stories they could tell.

Trees are old, and wise. Sit in the shade of a tree one day, and hear its Story.

P.S. The reason for the sudden spate of blogging - clearing the backlogs! :P

1 comment:

Rishabh Kaul said...

Yes, blore still has trees. lots of them, atleast where i was staying. guess cant call the city a concrete forest yet.