Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Like That

The "April Showers" are called so not only because of their timeliness but also because of the short (but intense) rain. At home, I always smell the rain before I hear it. Sitting on a ledge in the balcony, a tree stump in the adjacent plot of land caught my eye. Such a sight has become increasingly common in Bangalore nowadays. This particular stump was a tall and imposing coconut tree, that dared to spread its branches into the neighbour's territory and drop a coconut or two there when time was ripe. It paid for its natural insolence. I will always remember the day it was cut. It put up a good fight. It took upto 6 strong men morning to night to reduce it to the stump it is today. Is it easier to remove a problem rather than solve it? Just like that?

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