“I am because you are”
I was asked: What comes to your mind when you hear this statement?
My answer and thought stressed on the opinion that our character and personality are significantly affected by our environment – society, our family and elders. Maybe this is because I am largely a product of my environment. I owe everything that I am to the kind of city I come from, to my parents (who took all the right decisions for me at crucial times in my life) and all the values/opinions that I have inculcated from them.
“Lame Duck”
The best way to explain this is that when you are at the last rung of the ladder whatever everyone throws at you from above falls on you. By virtue of being junior in both age, experience and consequently knowledge I am the Chosen One to execute all the dud, sure-to-end-nowhere tasks. It's frustrating because I end up wasting time and energy, only to realise (or be told) later that I should stop working on it as it is heading nowhere. Worse, I lose motivation to work. Why do the task when I know that it is going to be a lame duck?