Thursday, August 9, 2007


According to the law of nature, the careful and the prudent are rewarded with good health. In a heart-breaking and tragic way, I am an exception to this rule. I eat all 3 meals heartily (sometimes more than heartily) and on time, I never drink anything cold, and I have never got wet in the rain till today. But, when the sun shines on one day and it pours sheets the next, my sneeze is the first to be heard in the corridors. A whiff of the flu or illness and I run to the doctor,and return armed with a bunch of tablets, ready to drive the virus out of my body. I "sleep it through", as vigorously advised by friends and family alike. Today is Day 4 of this painful schedule, and I am no better than I was when I first visited the doctor. More than the illness, what is getting to me is all the classes and assignment work that I am missing. As I sleep through each day the backlog piles up. Here I am, not able to complete all that I am supposed to do in a day, and now I also have the backlog to clear! Sometimes I get so fed up, I just want to pretend that I am ok and get on with life. To hell with the cold, cough and the fever. Sooner or later the virus will slink away, ashamed at the lack of attention. If only it was that straightforward. The illness has weakened me a lot physically, so much so that just going to the mess for meals tires me out completely. Lousy sense of timing. Lousy sense of humour (DEFINITELY!) Lousy life! :(

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